Keep Your Employees Happy with These Tips from Certified Incentive Specialist Gayle Gilberto

By: Cierra Dubinsky

woman speaking in front

For Gayle Gilberto, President of Art of the Event, Inc., employee appreciation is #1! In fact, she recently spoke on this topic during the Boston HR Summit at the Westin Waterfront. So, what are the best management tactics to keep employees happy and satisfied? Gilberto suggests two efforts that can be easily implemented: special events & incentive programs.

It’s Party Time!

The most common employee events are holiday parties and company outings, which are a great way to keep morale up. Gilberto describes these as a “direct give back to employees.” AotE hosts a joint client/employee appreciation event every Spring, which functions as the perfect opportunity for employees, leadership, and clients to get to know each other in a different setting. Other special events that can improve a company’s dynamic include team building programs, awards galas, or any shared experience that, “make the employees feel like they’re part of the
family.” Something as simple as a summer afternoon ice cream outing could have an overwhelmingly positive influence!women talking

Gilberto emphasizes the importance of management attending these events as a way of opening the lines of communication between employees of all levels who may not regularly interact. She also recommends having this outside of the office or workplace. A different atmosphere will encourage employees to relax and feel more comfortable mingling with one another.

A Team Effort

Incentive programs are another great way to “drive sales and help the company achieve its goals, which is to keep employees happy.” Incentives have gained a lot of popularity within the millennial crowd, as they are “very motivated by team experiences and feelings of belonging. Incentive programs will only get more valuable as time goes on.”

people applauding a presenterRecognition systems are relatively cost-free, and the benefits can be great when implemented effectively. “For every dollar spent on incentive travel programs, the business will benefit an average of $12.50 in increased revenue, and $3.80 in increased profitability… that’s $4 to the dollar spent!” That’s a win-win for any company, on and off the paper. In addition to travel, paid time off, vacations, bonuses, and gift cards are all examples of incentives that are overwhelmingly well-received amongst employees. According to, 87.5% of people who participate in an incentive program feel they’re appreciated, 80% said their loyalty to the company increased, and 78% said they felt an increased sense of belonging. “These are all things we want our employees to feel!”

All in all, it’s about understanding what truly motivates and drives people. AotE is currently running a spa package incentive program throughout April, and employees have already shown extra enthusiasm to exceed this month’s goals!

“That’s how you want your best employees to feel— to feel valued. To feel appreciated by you, their peers, and the company itself.” – Gayle Gilberto

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