Take a virtual tour of our warehouse!

Our 42,500 square foot warehouse houses our large collection of furniture, props, centerpieces, and custom fabrications.

On any ordinary day at Art of the Event, our crew can be found hard at work fabricating props, building and repairing furniture, and loading jobs for upcoming events.

Our warehouse is full of unique and custom-built items, including a replica Fenway Park facade, our psychedelic 60’s VW Bug, and our custom-built Enterprise bridge!

Step through our Yellow Submarine to our paint shop, where props and furniture are sent for paint and touch-ups. Shown below is Adirondack furniture ready for touch-ups and our artists working on a new prop.

Our florist works right here in our workshop so she can work directly with our producers to bring their vision to life. Shown below are floral centerpieces prepped for a gala and our faux-garden center with greenery, branches, and pottery we can use to create custom decor.

We keep a large collection of small props and decor to fit any theme.

This Nautical-themed job is prepped and ready to go on our loading dock, including this custom built lighthouse!

Call us at (781) 670-9292 to schedule an in-person tour (Mon – Fri 8:30 – 5:30) or fill out our quick form to plan your next event!

Call Now: 781-670-9292!


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