Top 5 Tips: Make Your Tradeshow Booth Stand Out

trade show booth design

When hosting a booth at any type of tradeshow, you want to stand out from the rest – think outside the box! To create buzz around your area, make your booth arrangement and design unique. Think about creative ways to drive the people you want to meet over to you.

Here are our Top 5 Tips on how to run a successful trade show booth:

  1. AOTE tradeshow boothDEVELOP A THEME: Developing a theme is the first thing that should be taken care of. The theme sets your stage. It needs to reflect your business, communicate your brand clearly, and relate to what you are offering customers at this show. Think about your brand and your trade show initiatives- how can your booth communicate both in an interesting, comprehensive and visual way?
  2. COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE: Incorporating digital graphics is a great competitive advantage we highly recommend. Displaying a clear message by branding booth accessories and videos of your product in action will attract attendees to your booth. Audiences love short-format, digestible content such as image slideshows and user testimony.  
  3. BE INVITING: Create an inviting booth where attendees will want to stay and converse with your reps.  Cozy seating areas are always popular and charging stations fulfill attendee needs. With all of the walking and picture taking tradeshow attendees are doing, be the spot they can take a break at and recharge. Brand your charging stations and welcome them to relax with you for a few minutes.
  4. BE REFRESHING: Offering guests refreshments or a bit of pampering can increase your ROI.  Coffee stations, mini massage stations, and free headshot offerings can help pull in visitors. They won’t forget the brand that took the time to take care of them.
  5. GIVE THEM SPACE: Be prepared for meetings at the trade show by creating a private space like a small lounge in your booth area.   If you have a larger booth, consider creating a VIP area where those sought after attendees can enjoy lockers, treats, and extra attention! More consumers are likely to commit when they feel like they are cared about as an individual.

Our expert event producers and craftsmen create unique tradeshow booths and activities for a variety of industries! Art of the Event offers tradeshow décor and design pieces, we also provide tradeshow and event management. If you are interested in our services, contact us at 781.670.9292 for more information!


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